Kostenloser Workshop
Für gesunde Hunde und bei Nierendiäten.
Ich zeige dir die verschiedenen Wege, um den Proteinbedarf bei gesunden Hunden zu berechnen und die Proteinmenge für nierenkranke Hunde anzupassen.
Wann: Freitag, 23. April 2021, 19h30
Warum: Weil es so wichtig ist!
Was du brauchst: Spaß am Lernen, Stift und Taschenrechner
Kosten: Null Euro
Hi, ich bin Anne
Ich bin Tierheilpraktikerin, Ernährungsberaterin & Hundepsychologin.
Etwas weniger förmlich: Ich bin die Nierentante...
Schon in meinen ersten Praxismonaten haben mir Halter von nierenkranken Hunden sprichwörtlich "die Bude eingerannt". Warum es so kam? Dafür habe ich keine Erklärung!
Fakt ist, dass ich ganz schnell viel Erfahrung gesammelt habe und ihnen immer besser helfen konnte.
Das hat sich natürlich herumgesprochen. Es kamen immer mehr Menschen zu mir, die eine individuelle Behandlung und einen maßgeschneiderten Ernährungsplan für ihre Hunde wünschten.
Und eines Tages rief eine Dame an und fragte: "Sie sind doch die Nierenspezialistin, nicht wahr?" Am liebsten wäre ich vor Freude um den Schreibtisch gehüpft.
Heute – Jahre später – ist es mein Herzenswunsch, mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen mit dir zu teilen.
You want your look to make an impression—but not distract from what you're saying. I'll help you plan your presentation power outfit.
It can be hard to find the balance between scripting everything and speaking conversationally. These tips will help.
Most compelling presentations share the same deep structure. I'll show you how to use it to build or rebuild your own talk.
Great speakers appear totally in tune with their audience—mostly thanks to a few simple tricks even the most crowd-shy speakers can add in.
Don't let questions from the audience leave you speechless! Here's how to keep building your authority in a post-talk Q&A.
Bring your audience with you when you leave the room. I'll share my favorite way to use presentations to build a lasting following.
You don't need pro-level design skills to create visually stunning slides. I'll show you my favorite ways to build an artful deck.
To keep improving your talk, you'll need to hear more than "You did great!" Here's how to get honest, helpful feedback on presentations.
I remember when I began to think I might actually have something to teach people about presenting in public.
I'd just given my 15th talk on stage, and a good friend of mine happened to be in the audience. The talk went well, and afterward, we met up to chat.
"I could never do something like that," she told me. My friend was building a really promising business, but I knew she was a pretty shy person, and I could see how she struggled to get her name out there.
I looked at her and I said: "Wanna bet?"
We set a weekly coffee date: one hour a week totally devoted to building her confidence and refining her presentation strategy.
After a month she'd booked her first appearance. After six months, she didn't need my help anymore. Today, she's on the road speaking almost more than she's at home.
If my friend could do this, I know you can, too. I've seen what gets results—and I'd love to share it with you.
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